Sunday, February 11, 2007

Tory resolution in favour of expanded Tuition Support Program

Delegates to the 2007 Conservative policy convention, Timberlea-Prospects Juanita Cirtwill and Sherri LeBlanc Richards, put forth a motion in favour of expanding the Tuition Support Program beyond it's present three year limit. This is great news. This program is an important one for children who have learning disabilities in this province.

Whereas in 2004-2005 the Progressive Conservative government of Nova Scotia introduced the Tuition Support Program; and
Whereas this program allows children with special challenges who are not being effectively served by the public system to seek publicly subsidized private education; and
Whereas the program works, with achievement and satisfaction data collected from the current participants demonstrating that children who were failing in the public system are now succeeding, even thriving, under this approach;
Therefore Be It resolved that the Progressive Conservative Party of Nova Scotia is committed to expanding this program across the province, making it easier to qualify for the program, and permitting children to access the program for their entire k-12 education experience if necessary.

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